Recipes of the sea

Cake bites with classic seaweed tartare

Bouchées de tourteaux : la recette fraîche et raffinée de la cuisine aux algues par Bord à bord ! Cette préparation méticuleuse de bouchées de tourteaux est finement complétée par le tartare d’algues classique Bord à bord. Retrouvez ci-dessous les différentes étapes de préparation des bouchées de tourteaux ainsi que la liste des ingrédients pour réaliser cette recette de tourteaux.

  • 45 min
  • 45 min


Serves 6:
• 1 crab, cooked the night before
• 1 beetroot, cooked the night before
• 2 avocados
• 1 lime
• 1 lemon
• Espelette chilli
• Organic olive oil
• Fleur de sel
• 1 jar of classic seaweed tartare
• Small pastry-cutters, diameter: 3cm


  Bake the cake in very salty water.
  Bring the sugar beet to a small boil in unsalted water.
 Place in the refrigerator.

First step:
  Shell the crab entirely and sort out the flesh
with a fork to eliminate undesirable pieces of cartilage.
  Peel the beet.
  In the skin, add 4 tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice, 3 pinches of pepper, 1 jar of classic seaweed tartare, and then mix.

Second step:
  Peel the avocados.
  With a mandolin, finely slice the beet and avocados. Then sprinkle them with lemon juice.
 Use a cookie cutter with a diameter that allows 2 discs per bite.
  Oil the cookie cutters.
  Cut the “vegetable strips” at the same width and height of the cookie cutters.
Third step:
  Put a disc under the cookie cutter.
  Place them inside, either the avocado or beet, to get a “shirt” all around.
  On the inside, fill with crab filling, press
with a cap the size of the cookie cutter (wrap in cling film), and then make an additional filling if necessary.
  Arrange a disc above.
  Push the bite with the cap whilst lifting the
circle of the cookie cutter.
  To decorate, arrange pea sprouts and a few grains of sea salt.

The special trick

Privilégiez cette recette du début du printemps à la fin de l’été lorsque c’est la saison des tourteaux.

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